If the Guidance and Tips does not provide a solution to successfully verify your e-badge for the twin jewellery shows, we have set up Enquiry Hotlines to assist you.
For further assistance with e-badges, please contact the nearest HKTDC office from the following list.
HKTDC Office |
Enquiry Hotline |
Hong Kong | (852) 1830668 |
Mainland China | (86)-20-29110486 |
Japan–Tokyo | (81) 3 52105850 |
India - Mumbai | (91)-22-4333-6333 |
Thailand - Bangkok | (66) 2 3439031 |
Germany - Frankfurt | (49)-69-95772-0 |
United Kingdom - London | (44)-20-76169500 |
United Arab Emirates - Dubai | (971) 4 3298915 |
The United States – Los Angeles | (1)-213-6223194 |