Upon successful registration, a confirmation email will be sent to you for the registration. You will also gain access to the Click2Match system on the fair website during the Click2Match period.
You may register for more than one fair with the same SSO account. The Buyer Registration Form for the other fairs will be pre-filled with the information saved to your SSO account.
Please note that some fairs are combined. You can use the services provided under the combined fairs, such as contacting the exhibitors without separately registering for each individual fair.
To check for the fairs that you have successfully registered for, you may check the Fair Balloon in Click2Match. If there are multiple fairs registered by the account, the Fair Balloon will allow you to quickly switch between fairs.
To amend your personal information, please go to the fair website and click the “Click2Match” button on the top menu and refer to the Click2Match Menu FAQ “Where do I view or edit my user profile?”.