For repeat exhibitors who have joined the same fair in the previous year, they will receive an invitation email with a hyperlink to the EOA platform.
To access the EOA page, click “To Exhibit” on the top menu at the fair website.

For users registered to the HKTDC or exhibitors with log in ID, click “Login to Apply Booth” to fill in or retrieve pre-filled application form.
For users not yet registered to the HKTDC, click “Hong Kong company” for companies located in Hong Kong, and “Non Hong Kong company” for overseas companies.

Please note the Booth Application Deadline for repeat exhibitors and new applicants, and the Booth Facilities Application Deadline. Surcharge may be charged to booth facilities applied after the deadline.
Select Product Section
In the Select Product Section page, select the appropriate product section for your booth to facilitate sourcing activities and allow buyers to easily locate your booth.

Select Participation Format
In the Select Participation Format page, you may select the booth type, size and number of booths.

If your company would like to or has already obtained subsidies or funding, please select “Yes” and select the relevant subsidy or funding scheme in the Part of Company Detail for Assessment.
For companies located outside Hong Kong, please select “Not Applicable”.

Upload photos and fill in the information for your product in the Product fields and tick the appropriate options in Business Matching Questions fields. The fields marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory.

Upload photos and fill in the information for your product in the Product fields and tick the appropriate options in Business Matching Questions fields. The fields marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory.
Select Product Listings in the Fair Catalogue
In the Select Product Listings in the Fair Catalogue page, you may select up to 10 product listings free-of-charge. Select at least one product listing from the highlighted product category based on the product section.
You may expand or collapse the product listing with the + and – button next to the Product Category.

Select Additional Exposure
In the Select Additional Exposure page, you may select additional services you will need during the fair. You may hover on the ? icon for more information on the service.

Input My Info
In the Input My Info page, fill in your company information, contact information and supplementary information for your booth application. The fields marked with a red asterisk * are mandatory.

Please note that the contact email filled in “Contact Information for fair related matters only” section will be used as the Login ID for the “” account and other services, for example, Click2Match, HKTDC Sourcing etc.

Please note that the contact email filled in “Contact Information for fair related matters only” section will be used as the Login ID for the “” account and other services, for example, Click2Match, HKTDC Sourcing etc.
Apply Additional Booth Facilities
After filling in the company information, there will be a popup message for ordering additional booth facilities. Please note that application of booth facilities after the deadline is subject to late order surcharges.
Confirm Application
Check if you have entered all your data correctly, especially the Company Name and the Contact email which will be used for HKTDC services in the future.

Scroll down to the bottom to read the Terms of Application. Accept all Terms and Conditions before submitting the application. Fill in the company information same as the application info and check the necessary boxes.
The application is ready to be submitted. Click “Submit My Application” to submit the application or click “Save As Draft” to save the application for later.
After submitting the application, the “Thank You For Your Application” page will be shown if the application is successfully submitted. An email of acknowledgement will also be sent to the contact email address for reference.