Guidance and Tips
- How do I register and verify?
- How does this pre-registration process differ from before?
- How do I know if my fair registration and identity verification is successful?
- How can I verify my e-Badge if my identity verification is unsuccessful during registration?
- I uploaded my passport/ID for the e-Badge verification process, but it failed. Can I send you my travel document for the verification process?
- What should I do if I get an error message after uploading the document?
- What are the common errors when uploading passport/ID for verification?
- Can I skip the verification process?
- Are there any specific photo requirements for uploading?
- Do I need to register the fair separately for both the HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show & the HKTDC Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show?
- What benefits do pre-registration and verification provide to buyer for the Twin Jewellery Shows?
- If I don’t do pre-registration, can I still register directly at the fairground?
- Instead of e-Badge, can I request for a paper badge?
- Can I change my name displayed on the e-Badge?
- Is there a fee to obtain an e-Badge?
- Can I call to seek further assistance in case of any technical issues during the registration or verification process?
- How do you protect the security of my personal data?